  • to identify key issues of the safety evaluation of genetically modified food crops, and to examine whether current research methods are adequate to characterise specific safety hazards; to co-ordinate ongoing research regarding safety testing of transgenic foods in the framework of the European research program FP5;
  • to design new (in-vitro) test methodologies for safety and nutritional evaluation of whole complex foods, which are of sufficient sensitivity and specificity;
  • to address the risks of gene transfer from genetically modified organisms to the bowel microflora of humans and animals;
  • to examine new strategies for the detection of genetically modified foods, which enable detection at specific threshold levels for raw materials, processed products and food ingredients;
  • to examine the fate of genetically modified raw materials and processed products throughout food production chains (tracking and tracing);
  • to develop criteria for quality assurance systems to guarantee non-gmo-containing materials throughout food chains;
  • to develop a communication platform of producers of gmos, scientists involved in research and safety evaluation of gmos, retailers, regulatory authorities and consumer groups with the scope to improve safety assessment procedures, risk management strategies and risk communication.

Introduction - Objectives - Expected achievements - Organisation structure - List of participants