Publication of ENTRANSFOOD's results


The results of ENTRANSFOOD, including reviews authored by authors from the Working Groups as well as a concluding chapter, have been published in a special issue of the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (Volume 42, issue 7, July 2004, ISSN 0278 6915).  The papers as they have been finally published are liable to copyrights and therefore available either through a subscription or against a fee.  However, the preprint authors' versions of these papers that have been accepted by Food and Chemical Toxicology before they went to print can be freely downloaded from this webpage as pdf files.



Safety Assessment, Detection and Traceability, and Societal Aspects of Genetically Modified Foods.  European Network on Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Food Crops (ENTRANSFOOD)

Edited by H.A. Kuiper, G.A.Kleter, A. Konig, W.P. Hammes, I. Knudsen

Food and Chemical Toxicology Volume 42, Issue 7, Pages 1043-1202 (July 2004)


L. Breslin, H.A. Kuiper

Preface and introduction.

Pages 1043-1045.

Full text


A. König, A. Cockburn, R.W.R. Crevel, E. Debruyne, R. Grafstroem, U. Hammerling, I. Kimber, I. Knudsen, H.A. Kuiper, A.A.C.M. Peijnenburg, A.H. Penninks, M. Poulsen, M. Schauzu, J.M. Wal

Assessment of the safety of foods derived from genetically modified (GM) crops.

Pages 1047-1088

Full text

F. Cellini, A. Chesson, I. Colquhoun, A. Constable, H.V. Davies, K.H. Engel, A.M.R. Gatehouse, S. Kärenlampi, E.J. Kok, J.-J. Leguay, S. Lehesranta, H.P.J.M. Noteborn, J. Pedersen, M. Smith

Unintended effects and their detection in genetically modified crops.

Pages 1089-1125.

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G. Van den Eede, H. Aarts, H.-J. Buhk, G. Corthier, H.J. Flint, W. Hammes, B. Jacobsen, T. Midtvedt, J. van der Vossen, A. von Wright, W. Wackernagel, A. Wilcks

The relevance of gene transfer to the safety of food and feed derived from genetically modified (GM) plants.

Pages 1127-1156.

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M. Miraglia, K.G. Berdal, C. Brera, P. Corbisier, A. Holst-Jensen, E.J. Kok, H.J.P. Marvin, H. Schimmel, J. Rentsch, J.P.P.F. van Rie, J. Zagon

Detection and traceability of genetically modified organisms in the food production chain.

Pages 1157-1180.

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L. Frewer, J. Lassen, B. Kettlitz, J. Scholderer, V. Beekman, K.G. Berdal

Societal aspects of genetically modified foods.

Pages 1181-1193.

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H.A. Kuiper, A. Konig, G.A. Kleter, W.P. Hammes, I. Knudsen

Concluding remarks.

Pages 1195-1202

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