Second Plenary Meeting of the

Thematic Network


13 and 14th of October 2000 Copenhagen, Denmark

Friday 13-10-00

13.00-14.00 Meeting PMT chairpersons of the Working Groups

13.30-14.00 Registration other participants

14.00-16.05 Plenary meeting

14.00-14.15 Opening by Villy Dyhr, Danish Consumer Council

14.15-14.45 Introduction Harry Kuiper

14.45-15.05 Progress RTD-Project SAFOTEST by Ib Knudsen

15.05-15.25 Progress RTD-Project GMOCARE by Hub Noteborn

15.25-15.45 Progress RTD-Project GMOBILITY by Jos van der Vossen

15.45-16.05 Progress RTD-Project Qpcrgmofood by Arne Holst-Jensen

16.05-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-18.00 Working Groups Session I

19.00 Dinner

20.30 Debate on GM-Food Safety with:

- Dan Hindsgaul, Press Officer, Greenpeace Denmark

- Svend Jensen, Principal, Folk Highschool Natutlovspartiet (Natural Law Party)

- Peter Sandøe, Professor, Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University

- Knud Østergaard, Adviser, International Affairs Danish Veterinary and Food Administration


Saturday 14-10-00

08.30-09.00 meeting PMT chairpersons of the Working Groups

09.00-12.00 Working Groups Sessions II

12.00-13.30 Lunch