Programme First Meeting Integrated Discussion Platform


April 25-28, 2001, Ispra, Italy

Reportsince 05th of April 2001

Wednesday, April 25

19.30     Evening Arrival
20.00-20.15 Introduction Dr. Harry Kuiper
20.15    Opening Lecture

" Perception of Risks: The Case of Food"

Prof. F. Kemper (University of Münster, Germany)


Thursday, April 26

Integrated Discussion Platform

9.00-9.15 Introduction by Prof.Dr. Walter Hammes (chair)

Morning Session 9.00-13.00

Chair: Dr. Ib Knudsen

Rapporteurs: Dr. Rene Crevel and Dr. Francesco Cellini

Overview of RTD projects in FLAIR, AIR and FAIR:

  • 9.15 Opportunities of transgenic food crops for the consumer and food industry in the Community (FLAIR AGRF-39) Presentation
    co-ordinator Arlette Reynaerts; presentation by Hub Noteborn
  • 9.30 Development of new safety methods for safety evaluation of transgenic food crops (AIR2311)
    co-ordinator Hub Noteborn
  • 9.45 Development of metabolically competent in vitro models for food safety evaluation (AIR 860)
    co-ordinator Mark Chamberlain/Harry Kuiper; presentation by Valery Baker (not confirmed)
    Pres1 Pres2
  • 10.00 Food allergens of plant origin; the relationship between allergenic potential and biological activity (FAIR 4356) co-ordinator Clare Mills; presentation by Rene Crevel Presentation
  • 10.15 Consumers attitudes and decision-making with regard to genetically engineered food products (FAIR 1667) co-ordinator Klaus Grunert; presentation by Joachim Scholderer Presentation
10.30-11.00 Coffee break

Results from the RTD projects within ENTRANSFOOD:

  • 11.00 New methods for safety testing of transgenic food (SAFOTEST, QLK1-1999-00651) Presentation Presentation
    co-ordinator Morten Poulsen/Ib Knudsen
  • 11.20 New methodologies for assessing the potential of unintended effects in genetically modified food crops (GMOCARE, QLK1-1999-00765)
    co-ordinator Hub Noteborn
  • 11.40 Safety evaluation of horizontal gene transfer from genetically modified organisms to the microflora of the food chain and human gut (GMOBILITY, QLK1-1999-00527)
    co-ordinator Jos van der Vossen
  • 12.00 Reliable, standardised, specific, quantitative detection of genetically modified foods (QPCRGMOFOOD, QLK1-1999-01301) co-ordinator Arne Holst-Jensen Presentation

Presentation of the Sixth Framework Program:

  • 12.20 Presentation of the Sixth Framework Program FP6 by Barend Verachtert Presentation
12.40-13.00 General Discussion
13.00-14.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session

Chair: Dr. Hans-Jörg Buhk

Rapporteurs: Dr. Eric Debruyne and Dr. Jutta Zagon

Progress of the ENTRANSFOOD Working Groups and proposals for preliminary recommendations

  • 14.30 Working Group 1 Safety Testing of Transgenic FoodsJean-Michel Wal Presentation
  • 14.50 Working Group 2 Detection of Unintended EffectsKarl-Heinz Engel Presentation
  • 15.10 Working group 3 Gene TransferGuy van den Eede
  • 15.30 Working group 4 Traceability and Quality AssuranceMarina Miraglia
15.50-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.00 General Discussion
19.00-20.30 Dinner


21.00 Key note Lecture

"What is the lesson to be learnt from the controversy

about gene technology?" Presentation

Prof. P. Sandře (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark)

Friday, April 27

Morning Session

Chair: Prof.Dr. Walter Hammes

Rapporteurs: Dr. André Penninks and Dr. Harry Flint

9.00-12.00 Panel Discussion:

"Role and Perspectives of ENTRANSFOOD for Risk Assessment

and Risk Perception of GM-foods"

Panel members:

Dr. P. Kearns (OECD)

Prof.Dr. H.C.A. Somogyi (DG SANCO)

Prof. K. Amman (Un. Bern)

Dr. D. Toet (Nestlé)

Dr. D. Jonas (Consultant)

Dr. J. Burke (Teagasc)

Dr. Custers NB Presentation

Dr. M. Walsh (DG SANCO)

Dr. E.H. Madden (Nestlé USA)

10.45-11.15 Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session

Chair: Drs. Jan-Willem van der Kamp

Rapporteurs: Ir. Esther Kok and Dr. Volkert Beekman

14.00-17.00 Panel Discussion:

"Social-Economical Implications of GM-food Regulations"

Panel members:

Dr. A. Magnavacchi (Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali)

Dr. R. Rawling (Cargill) Presentation

Dr. V. Dona (Unione Nazionale Connsumatori-ONLUS)

Prof. P. Sandře (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark) Presentation

Drs. R.T.A. Jansen (NIABA) Presentation

Dr. C.D de Gooijer (RIKILT) Presentation

Dr. B. Kettlitz (BEUC) Presentation

Mrs. S. Langguth (Südzucker AG)

15.30-16.00 Coffee break
17.00-18.00 Dissemination Strategies
  • Experiences ENTRANSFOOD by Hans Marvin Presentation
  • Transatlantic Communication by Ariane König Presentation
  • Reaching out to highschool students by Kees de Gooijer (RIKILT)   Presentation
18.00-19.00 General Discussion

Chair: Prof.Dr. Walter Hammes

Rapporteurs: Dr. Andrea Wilcks and Dr. Andrew Cockburn

20.00 Dinner

Saturday, April 28


9.00-11.30 Working Group Sessions
11.30-12.30 Plenary Meeting

Chair: Dr. Harry Kuiper