- Presentation Philippe Busquin during the Euragri Conference on the 15th of October 2002
Fuelling the process of creating the European area for Food and Agriculture research
- Presentation Bruno Hansen during the Euragri Conference on the 14th of October 2002
Towards a European Food and agriculture research area for the benefit of society.
- Presentation Hans Marvin (RIKILT) during the International Symposium on Agribiotech, 5-7 August 2002. Abstract
- , Food Safety Assessment Strategies on Genetically Modified Food Crops
Presentation by Gijs Kleter (RIKILT) during CSL/JIFSAM Symposium
USA 11-13 July 2001
- Kuiper, H.A. European Safety of Genetically Modified Food. The GMF-Cluster. Meeting EU-representatives, Brussels, 19 January 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Summary of the findings at the joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Foods Derived from Biotechnology (Plant Origin), in May 2000. FAO/WHO Information Seminar on Safety of Foods Derived from Biotechnology, Chiba, Japan, 24 - 29 March 2001.
- Kuiper H.A.. Summary of the findings at the joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Foods Derived from Biotechnology (Allergenicity), in January 2001. FAO/WHO Information Seminar on Safety of Foods Derived from Biotechnology, Chiba, Japan, 24 - 29 March 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Development of new testing methodology for unintended effects. .FAO/WHO Information Seminar on Safety of Foods Derived from Biotechnology, Chiba, Japan, 24 - 29 March 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Genetically Modified Organisms and Human Nutrition: The Safety Problem. Genetics and Nutrition, Bari, Italy, April 6-7 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. International Food Safety Forum, Palazzo CISI, Milan, 20 - 21 April 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Safety of Genetically Modified Foods. Konelab Award Lecture. FOCUS 2001, London, April 30 – May 4 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Paneldiscussie over biotechnologie in landbouw en voeding. Gent, 15 mei 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Development in Food Safety Research and the Role of RIKILT, Symposium European Food Safety Perspective: Past, Present, Future. Wageningen, 15 juni 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Food Safety of GMO's: Strategies and Cases, IAC Course Plant Biotechnology Biosafety, Wageningen, May 30 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Transgenic crops: environmental and food safety issues. IUPAC Symposium on Pesticide Regulation for Consumer and Environmental Safety and Fair Practices in the Food Trade, Brisbane, July 4, 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Substantial equivalence-an appropriate paradigm for the safety assessment of genetically modified foods? 9th International Congress of Toxicology, Brisbane July
- Kuiper, H.A. Safety assessment of genetically modified foods. International Congress Food Safety and Toxicology, Kuopio, August 24-25 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Genetisch gemodificeerde producten, wat moet u weten? Euroforum, 2e Nationaal Congres Voedselveiligheid, Rotterdam, 6 september 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Strategies for the Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods, including the Allergenic Potential Meeting Japanese Society of Immunotoxicology, Sept 17-18, 2001, Utsunomiya, Japan
- Kuiper, H.A. Strategies for the safety assessment of genetically modified foods. IUTOX/IUNUTR, Paris, September 29, 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Food safety issues related to GM crops. Conference on: Food and nutrition: consumer's safety between novel food and issues on conventional food contamination, Milan, 4 October 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. EU Workshop Bt Maize, Brussels, October 8 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Dealing with unintended effects. Workshop 'Evaluating substantial Equivalence', Vienna, 19-20 October 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Environmental impact of transgenic crop cultivation and the development of new safety testing methods. International Conference Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Boston, November 1-2, 2001
- Kuiper, H.A. Hoe veilig is ons voedsel? Ervaringen, dilemma's en toekomstbeelden. Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad voor de Biotechnologie Rabobank, Utrecht, 7 November 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. New risks of modern food production for the consumer. Food Insecurity Annual Meeting Graduate School PE&RC, Wageningen, 22 November 2001.
- Kuiper, H.A. Development in relation to regulatory requirements for the detection of GMO's in the food chain, ILSI Joint Workshop, December 2001, Brussels, Belgium.