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Comment ENTRANSFOOD: With the aid of photolithography, miniscule patterns (nanometer-scale) could be created in a thin gold layer. Specific sites for proteins, such as lysozyme, to bind this layer were created. These bound proteins can then be used for studies. Source Genomic Network News, March 1, 2002
Comment ENTRANSFOOD: According to Japan Times: a Japanese group would have managed to create genetically modified pigs containing a gene from spinach. The aim was to modify the fat composition of pork meat such that unsaturated fats, such as linoleic acid. Such unsaturated fats have presumed health benefits for the consumer. Source: New Scientist, January 24, 2002
Rice genome sequenced by Chinese scientists (Jan. 2002) Comment ENTRANSFOOD: The genome (whole genetic information) of the rice variety Oryza sativa indica has been sequenced by Chinese scientists. Another initiative by other groups to sequence the Oryza sativa japonica variety is still ongoing. Source: Genomeweb, January 16, 2002
Agrobacterium tumefaciens genome unravelled (December 2001) Comment ENTRANSFOOD: The genome (whole genetic information) of the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been seqeunced. This bacterium causes "crown gall" disease in plants and is able to transmit genetic material to plants. This latter ability has been exploited in the genetic engineering of plants to introduce foreign genetic material into plants with the aid of this bacterium. Two groups of American scientists, which separately performed the same task, both published their results in the scientific journal Science. Source: Genome Network News, December 21, 2001:
Human gene number climbs. New estimate ups our gene number by a third (August 2001). Instead of the initial estimate of 30,000 genes, the human genome would contain 42,000 genes (Comment ENTRANSFOOD). Source: Nature Science Update, August 14, 2001
Banana genome in five years (July 2001) An international consortium will sequence the genome of Musa acuminata, a wild relative of the cultivated banana (Comment ENTRANSFOOD). Source: Genome Network News, July 23, 2001
Modified pigs make manure with less phosphate (July 2001) Pigs genetically modified with the enzyme phytase, which is a common feed additive, utilize dietary phosphate more efficiently and excrete less of it (Comment ENTRANSFOOD). Source: Nature Science Update, July 31, 2001
Potato vaccine protects mice from stomach bugs (June 2001) A potato-based vaccine that protects against several stomach diseases has passed the first round of animal tests, researchers in California report (Comment ENTRANSFOOD). Source: Reuters, June 5, 2001
Heart health to benefit from GM oils (May 2001) Cotton plants have been genetically modified by CSIRO Plant Industry such that their oil is enriched in either oleic acid or stearic acid, and may be used in cooking oils and margarines. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD) Source: CSIRO, May 28, 2001
GM tomato to fight disease (April 2001) A genetically modified tomato enriched with health-promoting flavonoids has been developed by Dutch and British scientists. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD) Source: BBC News, April 30, 2001
Human DNA sequenced (February 2001) Special issues of the scientific journals Science and Nature featured the sequence the human genome (hereditary information), which was accomplished by the joint efforts of two consortia. Source: Genome Network News, February, 2001