October 5, 2001

Core code cracked. Sequencers expose secret chromosome centre

The DNA of the centromere of one human chromosome has been sequenced (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Nature Science Update, October 5, 2001)


September 28, 2001

The Big Picture. Optical maps guide shotgun sequencing from start to finish

Optical mapping can serve to guide genome sequencing or to confirm its results. The method of optical mapping involves the attachment broken DNA molecules to microscopic slides and digestion with endonucleases, followed by measurement of the size of the resulting fragments measured by microscopy and processing data into maps (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Genome Network News, September 28, 2001).


September 28, 2001

Transgenic white clover as oral vaccine against shipping fever

A plant-incorporated vaccine against a cattle disease was created by genetic engineering. Oral immunisation in rabbits has been achieved (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Genome Network News, September 28, 2001)


September 28, 2001

Crop sciences: moving gene in plant results in increased production of amino acid needed in human diet

Tryptophane levels in tobacco plant leaves whose chloroplasts had been transformed with the anthrinilate synthase gene were 10-fold increased (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(AScribe, September 28, 2001)


September 26, 2001

Philippines tests first biotech rice. Biotech rice said to resist nine races of bacterial blight disease.

Rice transgenic for Xa-21 developed by the Philippine Rice Research Institute and the International Rice Research Institute will be field-tested in the Philippines (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(PlanetRice, September 26, 2001)


September 17, 2001

Screens save protein-profile time

Two methods can aid in the elucidation of the function of a protein:

  1. Searching similarity between protein sequences and the sequence of a binding site of a known enzyme.
  2. Assaying the binding of proteins to a given molecule using microarray technology.

(Nature Science Update, September 17, 2001)


September 14, 2001

PNAS publishes results of field studies on Bt maize vs. Monarch butterfly

Six articles were released by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA on the PNAS website on September 14 in advance of the publication in print (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(PNAS, September 14, 2001)

(Nature Science Update, September 12, 2001)


September 5, 2001

Live, fast, die old. Cutting calories quickly alters genes.

By microarray assays it was found that reducing food intake, gene expression was affected after four weeks to the same extent as lifelong abstinence (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Nature Science Update, September 5, 2001)


September 1, 2001

Fight the blight

The inducible resistance of crops against bacteria, moulds, and viruses is increased in genetically engineered plants that contain elevated levels of the plant hormone salicylic acid (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(New Scientist Online, September 1, 2001)


August 30, 2001

GM tomatoes 'offer health boost'

Transformation of the chloroplasts inside plant cells would prevent out-crossing of the transgenic trait and allow for the introduction of health-promoting compounds (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(BBC News, August 30, 2001)


August 14 , 2001

Human gene number climbs. New estimate ups our gene number by a third.

Instead of the initial estimate of 30,000 genes, the human genome would contain 42,000 genes (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Nature Science Update, August 14, 2001)


August 16, 2001

Genetic diversity in maize: SNP survey of chromosome 1

Researchers found that the genetic variability of maize was higher than that in humans or Drosophila (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Genome Network News, August 14, 2001)


August 13, 2001

Genetic secrets of metal-eating plants uncovered by Purdue University scientist

A gene from Thlaspi goesingense (belongs to Brassica family) is linked to its ability to hyperaccumulate metal ions. This finding may be used for the creation of GM functional foods (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(AScribe, August 13, 2001)


August 6, 2001

Building a better gene trap

Mutant mice have been created to study gene function using "gene traps" that target a specific group of genes (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Genome Network News, August 6, 2001)



August 6, 2001

In symbiosis with alfalfa The complex genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti

The genome of a nitrogen-fixing bacterium that is symbiontic to alfalfa (lucerne) has been sequenced (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Genome Network News, August 6, 2001)


August 4, 2001

Greening the badlands. Could a breed of salt-tolerant crops save the world's ruined farmland?

Tomatoes transformed with an Arabidopsis transport protein were able to grow on salty nutrient solutions. This would open the possibility for GM crops that sustain on salty soils (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(New Scientist Online, August 4, 2001)


July 31, 2001

Muck, glorious muck. Modified pigs make greener manure.
Pigs genetically modified with the enzyme phytase, which is a common feed additive, utilize dietary phosphate more efficiently and excrete less of it (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Nature Science Update, July 31, 2001)


July 23, 2001

Banana genome in five years

An international consortium will sequence the genome of Musa acuminata, a wild relative of the cultivated banana (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Genome Network News, July 23, 2001)


July 12, 2001

UC Davis researchers study tomato grafts to find how genes in plants control growth.

mRNA was found to transport through a tomato plant and exert its action at long distance (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(AScribe, July 12, 2001)


July 4, 2001

Bacteria miss their medicine. Danish bans on animal feed antibiotics clears up bacterial resistance.

Since antibiotics were banned from animal feed in 1995, antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from farm animals has declined (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Nature Science Update, July 4, 2001) .


July 2, 2001

Identification of mating genes provides clues to evolution

Arabidopsis major pollen coat proteins were identified. The genes encoding these proteins can be divided into two groups (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(ScienceDaily, July 2, 2001)


June 28, 2001

Discovery heralds way for plants to survive drought

The mechanism by which plant open and close pores called "stomata" has been elucidated. This knowledge could be used for creating drought-resistant GM crops (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(AgBios, June 28, 2001)


June 21, 2001

Human genome debugged. Quarrel over bacteria-to-human gene transfers resolved.
Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial genes in the human genome would indicate that these genes are derived from a common ancestor rather than from horizontal gene transfer (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Nature Science Update, June 21, 2001)


June 15, 2001

"Grow-In-The-Dark" Algae May Promise Dietary Supplements, Glowing Pigments, And More, Say Science Authors"

Photosynthetic algae have been modified with a gene, which enables them to grow in the dark. This would facilitate the cultivation of microalgae for commercial purposes, including food supplements (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(ScienceDaily, June 15, 2001)

(Nature Science Update, June 15, 2001)

Scientific abstract of source article (PubMed):


June 5, 2001

Potato Vaccine Protects Mice From Stomach Bugs

A potato-based vaccine that protects against several stomach diseases has passed the first round of animal tests, researchers in California report.

(Reuters, June 5, 2001)

Scientific abstract of source article (PubMed):


May 28, 2001

Heart Health to Benefit from GM Oils

Cotton plants have been genetically modified by CSIRO Plant Industry such that their oil is enriched in either oleic acid or stearic acid, and may be used in cooking oils and margarines. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(CSIRO, May 28, 2001)


May 22, 2001

Horizontal gene transfer between eukaryotic cells

Cultured eukaryotic cells (deficient for tumor-suppression) acquired oncogenes from dead cells, but lost these after a few generations (Comment ENTRANSFOOD.)

(Genome Network News, May 22, 2001)


May 8, 2001

Life on Mars. GM plants growing in a sealed greenhouse on the Red Planet could provide vital information about soil conditions

Fluorescent indicator plants and plants producing nutrients on remote control are envisioned. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

New Scientist Online News, May 8, 2001


April 30, 2001

GM tomato to fight disease

A genetically modified tomato enriched with health-promoting flavonoids has been developed by Dutch and British scientists. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(BBC News, April 30, 2001)

Scientific abstract of source article (PubMed):


April 30, 2001

Gene interactions predicted by literature-search programme

Norwegian scientists employed a program that automatically searches the scientific literature while recording the genes that are mentioned in conjunction with known human genes within the same scientific article. This way a database of genes that were predicted to interact with one another was built and some uninvestigated interactions between genes thus predicted could be confirmed later (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(New Scientist, April 30, 2001)

Scientific abstract of source article (PubMed):


April 11, 2001

Cheese bacteriums genome sequenced

Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis IL1403s genome has been found to code for 2310 proteins. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Genome Network News, April 11, 2001)


March 19, 2001

Evolution of antibiotic resistance

The mutations in the beta-lactamase enzyme that would render bacteria producing this enzyme resistant against cefotaxime were inveestigated. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Genome Network News, March 19, 2001)


March 19, 2001

13600 Mouse genes simultaneously screened

Different metabolic pathways have been investigated in different tissues. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Genome Network News, March 19, 2001)


February 16, 2001

Human Genome unravelled

Two major scientific journals devote a special issue ("The Human Genome") to this achievement:

Nature, February 15, vol. 409, nr. 6822, pp. 813-958

Science, February 16, vol. 291, nr. 5507, pp. 1145-1434

See abstract (Genome News Network):


February 8, 2001

Biotechnology: GM plants make weedy weeds

Field observations of genetically modified crops that they exhibit no increased invasiveness. (Comment ENTRANSFOOD)

(Nature Science Update, February 8, 2001)

Crawley, M. J., Brown, S. L., Hails, R. S., Kohn, D. D. & Rees, M. (2001) Transgenic crops in natural habitats. Nature, February 8, 2001, vol. 409, nr. 6821, pp. 682683.


January 22, 2001

International Rice Research Institute begins testing 'Golden Rice'

The genetically modified "Golden Rice", which yields kernels containing provitamin A, will be tested for safety and utility by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines. IRRI is one of the international agricultural research institutes that contributed to the "Green Revolution" in the sixties. The rice is intended to combat the vitamin A deficiency, which affects millions of world citizens. The research, distribution, and information about Golden Rice is supported by a "Humanitarian Board" (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).

(Rockefeller Foundation, 22 jan 2001)


January 5, 2001

Metabolomics to aid functional genomics

The functions of "silent genes" in yeast are identified by mutagenesis and metabolome analysis.

(Genome Network News, January 5, 2001)

Scientific abstract of source article (PubMed):




Latest update: 20-09-2002 by