July 10-12, 2001
Bangkok Conference "New Biotechnology Food and Crops: Science Safety and Society" Conference organised by OECD and British Commonwealth as a follow-up to the Edinburgh conference last year. Conference conclusions were to be presented to the G8 in advance of their Genoa summit (Comment ENTRANSFOOD).
- May 21-23, 2001
Meeting of the OECD Task Force on the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds Consensus documents on key compositional parameters for the safety evaluation of new crop varieties (including GMOs):
Finalised: oilseed rape and soybean.
In process: potato, sugar beet, maize, wheat, rice, sunflower, and cotton.
The aim is to harmonise national regulations on foods derived through biotechnology, Among the items discussed at this meeting were:
- risk analysis
risk assessment (for example, antibiotic resistance marker genes)
- traceability (for example, documentary systems)
- familiarity (organism, trait and environment are familiar)
- analytical methods (summary of methods available in each nation)
Latest update: 20-09-2002 by J. Leenders